Sunday, March 15, 2009

Patient Guest Author

I recently started working at my first job after college and now have health insurance. Up to this point in my life I had never had health insurance. The company I now work for has a great insurance program and I do not have to pay anything per month. I have been to both the dentist and eye doctors so far. Both visits went extremely well. I was very pleased with both of the doctors. They were very friendly and helpful being a first time patient with them. I am now working on making appointments to visit a doctor for a physical and an oral surgeon to have my wisdom teeth taken out. These are appointments that I had put off until I could get health insurance.

I read your proposals and I think that you should mention the differences between rural and urban healthcare facilities more in your proposal. I used to live in a very rural area and when I would make dentist appointments, I would have to make them at least 3 months in advance. I now reside in a very urban area and was surprised to find that making appointments with doctors is much easier. On both occasions I called on a Monday morning and was able to get in for an appointment within a week. They were also very flexible with their hours to make it easier for me to get in so it wouldn’t interfere with work. I definitely prefer the doctors and healthcare facilities that I have now compared to the ones that I used to go to.

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